AS Psychology Core Studies - Rosenhan

OCR AS Psychology Core Studies - Rosenhan (1973) On being sane in insane places


1. How long did the pseudopatients have to stay in hospital for?

  • 10-33 days, 16 days average
  • 7-52 days, 19 days average
  • varied frm 20-50 days, 25 days average
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. What did the patients tell the the admissions officer upon arrival to their appointment?

  • They had been taking hallucingenic drugs and continued to hallucinate after
  • they had been hearing voices saying words like 'hollow', 'empty' and 'thud'
  • They had been having intense headaches and blackouts

3. How did Rosenhan come to the conclusion that schizophrenia is 'sticky'?

  • Because even when the patients left the ward, they were labelled 'schizophrenia in remissiom', and would never get that removed, and have a social stigma.
  • Schizophrenia never can be treated, it will always be a part of the person

4. What happened when the patients entered the psychiatric ward?

  • Ceased to show any abormalities, and made notes about their environment
  • They continued to say they were hearing voices
  • Stayed in bed all day

5. In the second experiment, how many of the patients admitted were really psuedopatients?

  • 30/193
  • 10/193
  • None
  • 20/193


gemma hart


the sample was 8 (including Rosenhan)

and 100% of all the participants were admitted (not bar one like you said)

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