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6. Why did all bar one of the sane, normal pseudopatients get admitted into the hospital?

  • Doctors have a strong bias towards a type 2 error, calling a healthy person sick rather than a sick person healthy
  • Because doctors have not yet perfected the diagnosing system, there is much leeway between illnesses
  • The doctors were not experianced enough to tell the difference between a true schizophrenic and someone who is lying

7. Why did the staff members think that the real patients in experiment two were pseudopatients?

  • Because they saw that they were acting more normally than the other patients
  • Because they were trying to avoid making type 2 errors as they thought that normal sane people were going to come in to the ward.
  • Because they couldn't tell the difference

8. How many real patients were thought to be psuedopatients by at least one staff member?

  • 56
  • 70
  • 41
  • 22

9. Who were the people who had to try to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital?

  • Rosenhan and his researchers posed as the 'psuedopatients'
  • 8 Pseudopatients who were of various ages and professions
  • 10 people who had actual schiszophrenic tendancies

10. They also found that the patients were being depersonalised as only 4% of psychiatrists and 0.5% of nurses stopped to talk to the pseudopatients when they asked them questions.

  • True
  • False