AS Psychology Core Studies - Baron-Cohen et al.

OCR AS Psychology Core Study - Baron Cohen (1997) Advanced test of theory of mind: evidence from very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome.


1. Who were the participants in this study?

  • Three groups of participants: 16 autistic/AS adults, 50 normal adults (aged matched), 10 adults with tourettes
  • Two groups of participants: 50 autistic/AS adults, 50 normal aged matched adults
  • Two groups of participants: 11 autistic/AS adults and 10 adults with tourettes
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Other questions in this quiz

2. Who was the psychiatrist who first described autism when studying a group of similar children in a clinic?

  • Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Leo Kanner
  • Hans Asperger

3. What did the participants have to do in the eyes task?

  • They were shown the picture for 3 seconds then forced to chose between two emotional states printed beneath each photo.
  • They had to watch the pictures for 5 seconds, then write down the feeling they most associated with the emotion shown by the eyes.
  • They had to look at a picture for 10 seconds and choose between two states of emotion printed under each photo.

4. How many and how big where the pictures of eyes shown in the eyes task?

  • 25 black and white photos, 15x10cm
  • 30 Black and white photos, 20x15cm
  • 25 black and white photos, 20x15cm

5. What were the two control tasks completed by the group of participants with autism/AS?

  • Happe's strange stories task and a basic emotion recognition task
  • Gender recognition of the eyes task pictures and a basic emotion recognition task (judging 6 photos of a full faces emotions)
  • Happe's strange stories and a gender recognition of the eyes task pictures


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