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6. What did the Happe's strange stories task entail?

  • Story appreciation - did they understand and like the story
  • Story comprehension - where a key question was asked about a character in a stories mental state
  • Story understanding - where a question was asked about the key details in the story

7. What was one of the findings of the study?

  • There was no link between ToM and frontal lobe processes
  • All of the above
  • Within the normal population females do better on this test of ToM than males.
  • Adults with autism or AS were impaired on a ToM test despite having normal intelligence

8. What was the mean scores on the eyes task for the 3 groups of participants?

  • 16.3 Autism/AS, 20.3 Normal, 20.4 Tourettes
  • 20.0 Autism/AS, 21.3 Normal, 21.4 Tourettes
  • 15.4 Autism/AS, 16.3 Normal, 16.4 Tourettes