AS Injuries

  • Created by: mduffield
  • Created on: 12-03-21 17:46
Explain how an ice bath is effective as a recovery method during a training programme. (5)
 Involves sitting in ice cold water for between 5–20 minutes. Vasoconstriction occurs taking blood away from muscles. This reduces swelling.
Vasodilation occurs after leaving the ice bath. Flush of oxygen rich blood. This speeds up recovery.
1 of 10
Identify fours ways that a performer may be able to prevent an injury to themselves from occurring. (4)
Screening (cardiac or musculoskeletal)/Warm up and flexibility training/Wear appropriate protective equipment/Taping and Bracing/
2 of 10
Explain the difference between a strain and a Sprain injury (2)
A strain occurs when muscle fibres are stretched too far and tear.
A sprain occurs where a ligament is stretched too far or tears.
3 of 10
What is a stress fracture? (3)
It is a overuse injury so is a chronic injury.
Usually caused by a significant increase in activity too quickly.
The muscles become fatigued.
This adds extra stress to the bone and causes a crack.
4 of 10
Describe the following fractures:
Comminuted fracture
Buckle fracture
Hairline fracture
Comminuted - Bone breaks into 3 or more pieces
Buckle - Bone deforms but does not break (usually in children)
Hairline - Partial fracture and is difficult to detect
5 of 10
Explain how a Hyperbaric chamber works and aid injury rehabilitation? (5)
Pressure in the chamber is considerably higher (e.g. 2 or 3 times higher). This increases the uptake of oxygen so 100% of haemagloblin is fully saturated with oxygen. This reduces swelling. Increases oxygen at the injury site. It also increases white bl
6 of 10
Sleep and Nutrition are recovery methods from exercise - Name 5 others
Compression garments. Massage. Foam rollers. Ice baths. Cryotherapy
7 of 10
Explain what Whole body Cryotherapy is and how it aids recovery. (5)
Takes place in a chamber and lasts about 3 mins.
Cold air (below 200 degrees) circulates around the skin/body.
Vasoconstriction occurs taking blood away from muscles. This reduces swelling.
Vasodilation occurs after leaving the chamber. Also get adr
8 of 10
Strength training can be used as a method of injury rehabilitation. Identify the 4 main types of strength training. (4)
Free weights/ Machine weights/ Body Weight/ Therabands
9 of 10
Explain how hydrotherapy works and benefits injury rehabilitation. (4)
Takes place in warm water (35-37 degrees) Improves blood circulation.
Buoyancy of water helps to support the body.
Water provides resistance to help strengthen the injured area.
Some even have underwater treadmills to increase the resistance.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Identify fours ways that a performer may be able to prevent an injury to themselves from occurring. (4)


Screening (cardiac or musculoskeletal)/Warm up and flexibility training/Wear appropriate protective equipment/Taping and Bracing/

Card 3


Explain the difference between a strain and a Sprain injury (2)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a stress fracture? (3)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the following fractures:
Comminuted fracture
Buckle fracture
Hairline fracture


Preview of the front of card 5
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