What are the three types of plastic?
Thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomer
1 of 10
Name three general properties of plastics
They are good electrical and thermal insulators, Good stregth to weight ratio, Good atmosphere and chemical corrosion resistance
2 of 10
What are fillers?
used to reduce the bulk of plastic and help reduce cost
3 of 10
Name examples of fillers? and whats good about them
sawdust, wood flour, crushed limestone. can increase the strength and hardness of the polymer by making them less brittle
4 of 10
what are flame retardents?
used to reduce the risk of combustion
5 of 10
How are flame retardents used and what are some examples?
Release agents that stifle the combustion. Example is foam that fills seats
6 of 10
what are anti static agents?
Reduce the effect of static charges building up on products
7 of 10
What are stabilisers? how are they used
used to reduce the effects of ultraviolet light, as an example making plastics being resistant to breaking down in the sunlight
8 of 10
What are exmples of stablisers in application and what are the benefits iof using them
Garden furniture, important for strucutral and an aesthetic point of view
9 of 10
What are examples of applications for biodegradable plastics
shopping bags, food trays, disposable pots, bowls and cutlery
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name three general properties of plastics


They are good electrical and thermal insulators, Good stregth to weight ratio, Good atmosphere and chemical corrosion resistance

Card 3


What are fillers?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name examples of fillers? and whats good about them


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are flame retardents?


Preview of the front of card 5
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