AQA Psychology- Unit 3

What are the stages Piaget proposed and the ages for each?
1) Sensorimotor (0-2), 2) Pre- operational (2-7), Concrete operational (7-11), formal operational (11+)
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What are the 4 A02 studies for Piaget's theory of CD?
Ballergeon and DeVos, Piaget and Inhelder, Hughes, McGarrigle and Donaldson
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What did Ballergeon and DeVos find?
Carrot study, babies aged 6 months, showed object permenance (challenging the ages of the stages)
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What did Piaget and Inhelder find?
Mountain study, only at aged 7 were children not egocentric
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What did Hughes find?
Police/naughty boy study, 90% success rate at aged 3.5-5 suggesting that Piaget underestimated abilities
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What did McGarrigle and Donaldson find?
Suggested children didn't understand the conservation task because they couldn't apply context to it so they introduced 'naughty teddy' and there was a 70% success rate of 4-6 year olds
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What are the 4 factors that develop in understanding others?
1) Imitation, 2) Intentions 3) Perceptual perspective taking 4) conceptual perspective taking
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What did Selman study and what are his stages?
Conceptual perspective taking, 1)UP, 2) SIP 3) SRP 4) TPP 5)SP
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What are the A02 studies for development of children's understanding of others
Carpenter, Hughes, Hobson, Eide and Eide
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What did Carpenter find?
Autistic children understand intentions.. ToM separate to intelligence
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What did Hughes find?
Police/naughty boy study, 90% success rate at aged 3.5-5 suggesting that Piaget underestimated abilities
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What did Hobson find?
autistic kids could do the mountain task but not sally Anne
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What did Eide and Eide find?
Children with sensory impairments, show delays in ToM, showing interdependance of stages
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What are the 2 theories that can be applied to education and how is each applied?
Piaget: biological readiness, discovery learning, Vygotsky: peer tutoring, collaborative learning, scaffoldin, ZPD
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What studies can be used to evaluate applications to education?
Bryant and Trabesso, Danner and Day, Gokhale, Wood and Middleton
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What did Bryant and Trabesso find?
Practice is a more important factor, pre-operational children could be taught logical skills
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What did Danner and Day find?
Practice is not important, it only helps when biologically ready, shown by both 10 year olds and 17 year olds taught conservation words but only 17 year olds improved
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What did Wood and Middleton find?
Successful scaffolding is dependant on contingent regualtions
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What did Gokhale find?
Collaborative learning leads to an improvement in the ability to take part in critical thinking tasks
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What are the 4 stages a child's sense of self develops?
1) Subjective self awareness, 2) objective self awareness, 3) Psychological self awareness, 4) T.O.M
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What are the studies used to evaluate developments in sense of self?
Bahrick and Watson, Amsterdam, Lewis and Brooks Gunn, Wimmer and Perner, Baron-Cohen
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What did Bahrick and Watson find?
5mth olds knew what their legs were doing, showing they had subjective self awareness
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What did Amsterdam find?
6-12 mth/o = thought someone was in the mirror, 13-24 mths looked curious and 24+ recognised themselves
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What did Lewis+ Brooks Gun find?
19% of 15mths touch nose compared to 66% of 25mths
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What did Wimmer and Perner find?
3yr/o look in box (incorrect) and 4 yr/o look in basket (correct)
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What did Baron Cohen find?
Studied Downs syndrome children vs autistic children and found ToM not related to IQ
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What are 3 stages did Vygotsky believe that language develops in?
1) Social speech (0-3), 2) Egocentric speech (3-7), 3) Inner speech (7+)
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What are the evaluative studies for Vygotsky's theory?
Gredler, Carmichael, Sinclair-de-Zwart, McNaughton and Leyland, Savage and Rumbaugh
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What did Gredler find?
Papua New Guinea- basic counting system- limited cognitive development
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What did Carmichael find?
Ppts shown drawing with 1 of 2 labels. Drawn differently depending on label. Showing language is important
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What did Sinclair-de-Zwart find?
children who couldn’t conserve, taught comparative language but didn't improve
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What did McNaughton and Leyland find?
- Children performed better on complex puzzle tasks with scaffolding than alone
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What did Savage and Rumbaugh find?
Chimps showed cognitive development, challenging Vygotsky
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What are the 4 things Mirror neurons have been linked to?
Imitation, Intentions, TOM/empathy, language aquisition
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What studies are used to evaluate mirror neurons?
Iacaboni, Slack, Gopnick, Borg, Dapretto
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What did Slack find?
After studying neuron actvity in epicilectic people through an internal electrode, 34 MNs were found, as well as multiple different types
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What did Gopnick suggest?
MNs are a myth, all research carried out regarding them have been highly subjective or carried out on monkeys
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What did Borg suggest?
The idea of MNs is a behaviouristic approach, there is a difference between understanding what others are thinking and actually experiencing it
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What did Dapretto suggest?
There can be applications to autism. Autistic people have less MN activity so could be taught imitation skills to enhance activity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 4 A02 studies for Piaget's theory of CD?


Ballergeon and DeVos, Piaget and Inhelder, Hughes, McGarrigle and Donaldson

Card 3


What did Ballergeon and DeVos find?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Piaget and Inhelder find?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Hughes find?


Preview of the front of card 5
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