AQA Psychology- Unit 3


1. What did McConaghy find?

  • That the ages Kohlberg proposed are incorrect
  • 2 years olds were 70% correct in identifying gender compared to 90% of 3 year olds, showing improvement with age
  • Children under 5 identified a doll as a girl depite it having genitals on show
  • Only at 3-4 do children realise gender is constant over time and those who answered correctly showed greatest interest in same sex models
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2. What did Hare et al propose?

  • Mental illness and trauma lead to gender confusion as a way of coping
  • Males had SDN 2 x bigger than females. MtF transsexuals have a SDN the size of females
  • 112 MtF transsexuals had a longer version of the androgen receptor leading to reduced testosterone
  • Overly close relations between mother- son leads to gender confusion

3. What did Eagly and Wood's research find?

  • Repetition of Buss' study to find again that gender is innate
  • 37 cultures, showing similarities in mate preferences, suggesting that gender is innate
  • 2800 students, 30 countries, asked to say whether each of 300 adjectives were female or male sterotypes, and consistency was found across all countries
  • Cultural differences: Differences in agression found between the Arapesh, Mundugumor and Tchumbuli tribes

4. Whatd did Reiner and Gearhart find?

  • The size of the SDN is 2x larger in males than females and in MtF transsexuals had the SDN size of a woman
  • 14 (XY) males with cloacal extrophy were assigned females at birth but despite this, all were mascualine and 8/14 reversed to male
  • Testosterone was injected into rats and the girl babies born were both physically and mentally mascualine
  • A case study of a boy who has his penis burn't off and was converted into a female, however he later returned to male

5. What did Kuhn and Steinder find?

  • Neanderthal's skeletons were analysed and it was found they showed no division of labour which is why they died out
  • 10,000 ppts, 37 cultures, found mate choice was consistent across cultures
  • Men had higher cortisol levels during times of stress compared to women, potentially due to them not tending and befriending as much as women
  • Lonley hearts ads were analysed and it was found that mate choice was consistent across cultures


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