Other questions in this quiz

2. What factors determine the energy levels you require?

  • Pregnancy , being ill , age , metabolsim
  • Age, gender, pregnancy, activity levels
  • Gender, mass, genes , time of year
  • Gender , height, mass, bmi

3. Which food group helps growth and repair ?

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

4. What is a deficiency disease?

  • A disease obtained from low amounts of food
  • A disease obtained from the lacking of one or more on the vital nutrience
  • A disease spread by the deficiency pathogen
  • A disease form an imbalanced diet

5. What is a healthy diet ?

  • Eating no fat or carbs
  • The right amount of energy
  • The correct proportions of all seven food groups to meet the needs of the body?
  • Eating an exactly equal balance of each food group


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