Approaches to staffing

  • Created by: ilee02
  • Created on: 23-04-19 16:33
What does treating staff as an asset mean?
That they are developed with training and seen as a benefit to the business
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How do the members of staff acquire unique skills relevant to the business?
They are recruited, trained and developed
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When staff are seen are an asset, what can they do?
Participate more in decisions, the business can respond quickly to market changes and staff have more autonomy over their work
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How can staff being an asset benefit the staff?
It gives them extra skills which can help with future career oppurtunities
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What is staff training often viewed as?
a cost rather than addding value
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What is a disadvantage and consequence if workers are treated as a cost?
That they only work the necessary minimium and not put in any extra work. This can lead to lack of motivation and therefore productivity levels
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What do many businesses justify as a cost cutting exercise?
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What does multiskilling mean?
having a workforce that can be moved around from one job to another
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What are the benefits of multiskilling?
Less staff needed, those that are employed are used to capacity not standing around
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What is an advanatage of multiskilling and what can this lead to?
More interesting jobs for workers and this can increase efficiency, quality and productivity while reducing costs
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Why do some companies allow their staff to work occassionally at home?
Because not all businesses require staff to be on the premises all the time
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What is flexi-time?
To work a certain number of hours in the office with a flexible start and finish time.This gives work life balance
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How does home working benefit the employer?
Office running costs and overheads, travel-related problems may be reduced and it may tempt staff to come and work for the company
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How does home working benefit the employee?
Staff can work from home, there is no wasted travelling, it enables them to work around their family and it is more convienent
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What are the drawbacks of home working?
Less oppurtunity to meet people and share ideas, easy distractions, longer hours and employers have to trust their employees
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What type of functions can be outsourced to other businesses?
Market research, accounting, legal, recruitment and product development
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How does outsourcing help with a flexible workforce?
It is an option to bring in or leave out as and when required, no expensive teams hired not working to capacity
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What are the economic factors of approaches to staff?
Pattern of employment changed and full time permanent jobs were lost
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What have full time permanent jobs been replaced by?
Part time service sector jobs, temporary work, zero hours contracts
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How does a recession affect staff?
Large factories and secondary manufacturing indutsries close so large number of staff start to earn low wages
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Why may a worker be dismissed or fired from a job?
Absenteeism, gross misconduct, theft of company money or property
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What is a worker not entitled tp if a business dismisses them?
A payout
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What does redundancy mean?
When a workers job no longer exists possibly due to lack of business or restructing
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How can redundancy sometimes be voluntary?
When staff are cose to retirement and take voluntray redundancy to gain a payout
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What is compulsory redundancy?
Where a memeber of must staff must leave a job
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What does individual approach to bargaining mean?
Th worker and the manager sit face to face to discuss terms and conditions of the workers contract
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What can individual approach to bargaining include?
Pay, hours or responsibilities
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What is an advantage of individual approach?
There is no compromise because it is just the views of one worker being disucssed
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What is a disadvantage of individual approach?
The manager might not take any action following the discussion as it's only one worker
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What does collective approach to bargaining involve?
A representative of all the workers meeting with the manager to discuss terms and conditions (usually pay) of employment
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Who might speak to the managers (collective bargaining)?
Union rep
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What is an advantage of collective bargaining?
Representatives speak for all the workforce so have greater power to get action
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What might happen if collective bargaining fails?
Then there may be strikes, sit ins or work to rule
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What is a disadvantage of collective bargaining?
Some companies don't recognise unions, and it's not an individual view being expressed so not all workers will agree
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do the members of staff acquire unique skills relevant to the business?


They are recruited, trained and developed

Card 3


When staff are seen are an asset, what can they do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can staff being an asset benefit the staff?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is staff training often viewed as?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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