
  • Created by: A
  • Created on: 18-05-13 17:18
Appeal to authority
part of an argument that refers to the opinion of an expert or someone in charge to justify a conclusion
1 of 5
Appeal to tradition
part of an argument that tries to persuade you that just because something's been done in a certain way in the past, that's the way it should be done now
2 of 5
Appeal to history
part of an argument which tries to convince you that because something's happened a certain way in the past, it will also happen that way in the future
3 of 5
Appeal to popularity
part of an argument that tries to persuade you that a conclusion is true because lots of people believe that it is
4 of 5
Appeal to emotion
part of an argument that tries to persuade you that a conclusion is true by making you feel a certain way
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


part of an argument that tries to persuade you that just because something's been done in a certain way in the past, that's the way it should be done now


Appeal to tradition

Card 3


part of an argument which tries to convince you that because something's happened a certain way in the past, it will also happen that way in the future


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


part of an argument that tries to persuade you that a conclusion is true because lots of people believe that it is


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


part of an argument that tries to persuade you that a conclusion is true by making you feel a certain way


Preview of the back of card 5


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