anatomy & physiology

'the amount of blood the heart pumps in 1 minute' what is the correct term for this?
cardiac output
1 of 12
'Tachycardia' is a condition in which...?
Your heart rate is too fast
2 of 12
Hypertension/Hypotension are terms that refer to the bodies...?
Blood pressure
3 of 12
When your sympathetic nervous system stimulates the blood vessels in non active tissue to constrict/narrow, causing the blood to travel to the active muscles, what is this called?
Redirection of blood flow
4 of 12
There is a condition that causes your heart to suddenly stop, without any warning, sportsmen such as Fabrice Muamba have suffered from this, wiht his heart stopped for 78 minutes. What is this condition?
Sudden arythmic death syndrome
5 of 12
'potentially dangerous drop in body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures' is called?
6 of 12
Define 'Stroke Volume'
The amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contraction.
7 of 12
When the chemical 'adrenaline' is released into your body.. what is the correct term?
Anticipatory increase in heart rate prior to exercise
8 of 12
•The density of the capillary beds in the muscles and surrounding the heart and lungs increases as more branches develop. This allows more efficient gaseous exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. what is the correct term?
Capillarisation of skeletal muscles and alveoli
9 of 12
What is your resting heart rate?
the number of times your heart beats per minute while at complete rest
10 of 12
What is classed as a high blood pressure?
11 of 12
Your resting heart rate can decrease. Is this a positiveor negative response to exersice?
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


'Tachycardia' is a condition in which...?


Your heart rate is too fast

Card 3


Hypertension/Hypotension are terms that refer to the bodies...?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When your sympathetic nervous system stimulates the blood vessels in non active tissue to constrict/narrow, causing the blood to travel to the active muscles, what is this called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


There is a condition that causes your heart to suddenly stop, without any warning, sportsmen such as Fabrice Muamba have suffered from this, wiht his heart stopped for 78 minutes. What is this condition?


Preview of the front of card 5
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