American History- Key Topic 3- Part 2

  • Created by: 11rsims
  • Created on: 21-05-17 17:53
What was unemployment, minimum wage and inflation like in the 70's?
1975-80= Inflation was near or at double figures, prices rose by 3.7%, cost of living rose by 8.2% yearly, 1974= unemployment was 6.5%, 1974=8.9%, Minimum wage in 1975= $2.10 in 1981= $3.35
1 of 7
Why did homelssness increase in the 70's and 80's?
hotels that housed the exceptionally poor closed, mental institutions were closed down making former residents homeless, rising unemployment, number of homeless women decreased due to decline in marriage, increased use of drugs
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What was the oil crisis?
Nixon support of Israel in the war led to OPEC raising the oil prices by 38%
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What atrikes did the oil crisis cause?
1974 (11,000 truckers demanded lower fuel prices and causes the nations roads to come to a standstill), 1976 (fuel stations closed on sundays leading to violence in Levitt towns where 100 were injured), 1977 (mine workers led a 3 month strike)
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What happened to US cars in the 80's?
US automobile lost half of its market to Japan in 1981, chrysler lost billions and needed a bail out of $1.5 billion, permanent jobs fell from 940,000 in 38 to 500,00 by 82
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What was the energy security act?
(1980)= offered loans and incentives to promote the search for alternative fuel
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what happened to energy consumption in the 80's and 90's?
decreased by 10% between 1979-83
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Card 2


Why did homelssness increase in the 70's and 80's?


hotels that housed the exceptionally poor closed, mental institutions were closed down making former residents homeless, rising unemployment, number of homeless women decreased due to decline in marriage, increased use of drugs

Card 3


What was the oil crisis?


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Card 4


What atrikes did the oil crisis cause?


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Card 5


What happened to US cars in the 80's?


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