American History- Key Topic 1- part 3

  • Created by: 11rsims
  • Created on: 20-05-17 22:51
When was the American Civil War? What was it?
(1861-65)=North defeated South and ended slavery, and Jim Crow laws seperated black people from white people legally
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What was the evidence of discrimination?
South Carolina spent $179 per annum to educate a white child but $43 to educate a black child, 80% of Black Americans unable to vote
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what was the NAACP?
National Association for the Advancement of coloured people (1909), it wanted to make the 11 million black Americans free and equal.
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What was the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott?
Rosa parks was asked to give up her seat to a white man on a bus, the NAACP then organised a bus boycott for the day of her trial, MLK then led the year long boycott with 50,000 black Americans involved
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what was Browder v Gayle?
Montgomerys buses were desegregated
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What was the little Rock crisis 1957?
Arkansas Central High School decided to intergrate so 9 students decided to enter, they suffered violent attacks and Eisenhower had to send in troops to protect them, All little Rock High Schools were closed in 1958-59
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What was the KKK?
gained millions of members after 1915, the Klan sent 40 hooded members to the bus boycott but blacks just waved at them, they burned kings house in 1956, attacked freedom riders in 1963, and shot 3 civil right workers in 1964
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What was the White Citizens Council?
First one in 1954, they had 250,000 members in 1956, they made defence of segregation an important issue, sponsered schools for white people, threatened civil rights activists
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What was the March on Washington?
(1963)= NAACP, SNCC, SCLC went to a march with 30,000 marches, MLK “I had a dream speech” led to the 1964 civil rights act
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What was the Birmingham campaign?
King went to Birmingham as it was the worst city for racism, Bull connor, police and dogs attacked protestors, he encouraged black children to march and they had their clothes ripped off them with water hoses
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What was the woolworths sit-ins?
1960= 4 college students began a sit in in woolworths, this inspired 70,000 other students to participate meaning woolworths lunch counters as they were losing money
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What was SNCC?
Student Non-violent Coordianting Committee= there was a dive to register black voters in mississippi between 1961-64
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what was the freedom summer?
1964= freedom summer- 800 Nothern volunteers tried to get 17,000 black people to register to vote but only 1600 succeded
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What was the freedom rides?
1961= CORE and freedom rides- intergrated groups travelled to the south on buses to protest rules on transport, many riders were beaten up.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the evidence of discrimination?


South Carolina spent $179 per annum to educate a white child but $43 to educate a black child, 80% of Black Americans unable to vote

Card 3


what was the NAACP?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott?


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Card 5


what was Browder v Gayle?


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