Afrikaaner nationalism and the apartheid.

  • Created by: DJSalt
  • Created on: 07-03-17 16:16
History: South Africa: Afrikaaner nationalsim and the apartheid: Define the Prohibition of mixed marriages Act, state the date introduced
1949, made it illegal for interracial marriages to take place
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Define The Population Registration Act, state the date introduced
Foced each South African into one of 3 racial groups, white, natives (black Africans) and coloureds (mixed raced)
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Define the Native Laws Amendment Act, state the date introduced
1952, controlled the movement of black people by giving the police powers to arrest at will.
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Define the Abolition of Passes Act, state the date introduced
1952, forced all black Africans to carry a pass, without, living and working in white areas was illegal. A person caught without the passbook could be jailed.
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Define the Group areas Act, state the date introduced
1950, kept each racial group to its own residential and trading areas of towns and cities. Also forced people in the wrong areas to move.
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Define the Bantu Education Act, state the date introduced.
1953, brought black education under full government control. Black schools were forced to provide different education to white schools. Were taught in their ethnic language, not English. Had more basic education and taught about position in society.
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Card 2


Foced each South African into one of 3 racial groups, white, natives (black Africans) and coloureds (mixed raced)


Define The Population Registration Act, state the date introduced

Card 3


1952, controlled the movement of black people by giving the police powers to arrest at will.


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Card 4


1952, forced all black Africans to carry a pass, without, living and working in white areas was illegal. A person caught without the passbook could be jailed.


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Card 5


1950, kept each racial group to its own residential and trading areas of towns and cities. Also forced people in the wrong areas to move.


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