Actions Against Jews

  • Created by: Holly0604
  • Created on: 24-02-18 17:15
Why did Jews live in a separate community?
They were considered outcasts from society because they weren't Christians
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By 1200, how many Jews were in large towns in England?
5000 Jews were living in towns like London, York and Norwich
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How come the Jews were living in England?
They were living under the protection of the King, as stated in John's 1201 charter
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How much did the charter cost Jews?
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What did the charter mean for Jews?
They didn't need to have to pay for tolls and custom duties and their right of inheritance was guaranteed. However, they were considered the property of the king and so he could tax them if he wished
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Why did Jews loan money for a living?
They were banned from occupations
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What did the 1194 law state?
That if a Jewish money lender died without a will, all debts had to be collected by the king
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There were many pogroms. What is a pogrom?
A violent attack against Jews due to anti-Semitism
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Why did Christians not like the Jews?
As they were money lenders, Christians believed that they were unchristian as being money lenders enabled them to become wealthy
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What happened between 1189-90 at Richard's coronation?
The Jews of London tried to give Richard a gift. The Christians believed they were trying to insult the king so a riot started and Christians began killing Jews. This spread across London and the houses of Jews were burnt
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What did Richard do due to this?
He hung the ring-leaders as the Jews brought in a large income source for him. He sent out orders that Jews were not to be harmed
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What happened in East Anglia?
Jews were slaughtered. This spread to Lincoln by March 1190
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What happened in York?
Mobs killed Jews and 150 took refuge in Clifford's tower with many committing suicide
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What happened in 1194?
Jews had to pay £3375 towards Richard's ransom
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What did John do?
He demanded one tenth of the value of their loans. And in 1210, John arrested Jews and demanded tallage of £44000
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


By 1200, how many Jews were in large towns in England?


5000 Jews were living in towns like London, York and Norwich

Card 3


How come the Jews were living in England?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How much did the charter cost Jews?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the charter mean for Jews?


Preview of the front of card 5
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