AC2.3 Assess how forms of punishment meet the aims of punishment

What is a Community Sentence
A sentence where the offender is punished but also has to carry out unpaid work in the community. These tasks include removing graffiti, cleaning overgrown areas etc.

Could also involve the offender taking part in drug and alcohol treatment to tackle the
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Community Sentence Aim
To punish the offender and also change their behaviour to prevent future offending
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What is a Financial Penalty
A fine is a common disposal of a case in Magistrates court. For relatively minor offences, such as driving offences, the court will take into account the circumstances of the crime and the financial situation of the offender
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Fine Aim
Provide deterrence and punishment for the defendants, to prevent them from committing repeat offences
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Card 2


To punish the offender and also change their behaviour to prevent future offending


Community Sentence Aim

Card 3


A fine is a common disposal of a case in Magistrates court. For relatively minor offences, such as driving offences, the court will take into account the circumstances of the crime and the financial situation of the offender


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Card 4


Provide deterrence and punishment for the defendants, to prevent them from committing repeat offences


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Card 5




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