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  • AC 1.1
    • Definition of Crime
      • Social Definition: behaviour that offends the social "norms" of society. If society says an act is a crime, it becomes one
        • Issues with this Definition: some crimes are usually universally disapproved but some crimes are different in different countries
          • Example: in Bangladesh, forced marriages exist, where children, as young as 12, must become child brides
      • Legal Definition: an act that is considered forbidden and punishable by law
        • Actus Reus: guilty act
        • Mens Rea: guilty mind
        • Issues with this Definition: there are some offences of strict liability that do not require mens rea. Sometimes just because both elements are present, an offence like self-defence, could mean a person is not found guilty
    • Aims of Punishment
      • Reparation: to repay or make up for the wrong done
      • Protection: to protect/guard the community from further harm
      • Vindication: to show people that they should have respect for the law and highlight the consequences of breaking the law - the law is right
      • Justice: to seek fairness
      • Deterrence: to discourage people from breaking the law
      • Reform: to change the character of the offender for the better
        • may involve rehabilitation or teaching new skills
    • Sanctions
      • Sentencing Will Depend On: seriousness of crime, harm, blame, previous convictions, personal circumstances or remorse/guilt
      • Non-Court Sanctions: cautions, conditional cautions, community resolution and penalty notices
        • Cautions: given to someone over the age of 10. Administered by the police for minor crimes. You have to admit to the crime before you are cautioned - if you don't, you could be arrested
        • Conditional Cautions: are given by the police. The offender must agree to conditions or restrictions of the caution - if they don't stick to the condition, they will be charged with a crime
        • Community Resolutions: can be given to anyone aged 10+. Offender must admit to guilt and consent to receive the resolution. Can be used for less serious crimes and allows victims to get closure quickly and the offender justice
        • Penalty Notice: for disorder are given for offences such as shoplifting or possessing cannabis. Only given if you are aged 18+. You will have to sign the PN ticket and you wont get a criminal conviction if you pay the penalty
      • Court Sanctions: custodial sentences, community sentences, fines, discharge
        • Custodial Sentence: immediately sent to prison. There are indeterminate and determinate sentences
          • Indeterminate: no set release date, have to spend a tarrif in prison before release is considered, Parole Board decides if and when prisoner gets released. These sentences are often given if the court feels the offender is a threat to society
          • Determinate/ fixed term: generally released 1/2 way through for good behaviour. If conditions of release are broken and they commit more crime, the offender will go back to prison
        • Community Sentences: can be a combination order including unpaid work, probation, curfew and orders such as drug testing and treatment
          • Combination Order: a sentence of the court that combines a probation order and a community service order
          • Probation: means you are serving you sentence but not in prison
            • you could be put on probation if you are serving a community sentence or have been released from a fixed term sentence on a license. you will have regular meetings with a probation worker
          • Curfew: an order which specifies a time when certain regulations apply
        • Fines: financial penalties: the amount will depend on the severity of the crime and the financial circumstances of the offender
        • Discharge: the court decides that given the character of the offender and the nature of the crime, punishment will not be appropriate
          • Absolute Discharge: no further action is taken - either the offender was very young, or the court considers that the experience of court was a big enough deterrence - will receive criminal record
          • Conditional Discharge: the offender is not sentenced for the offence unless another crime is committed
    • Deviance
      • Types of Deviance
        • Societal Deviance: an act which most of society would agree is not classed as part of normal behaviour
          • e.g. facial tattoos
        • Concealed Deviance: an act which no one sees, something which a person can keep hidden away - still considered not part of society's set of norms
          • e.g. hoarding
        • Situational Deviance: an act that is only considered deviant in the culture you live in at that time - may not be considered deviant in other societies
        • Collective Deviance: shared by a group of people that does not conform to what is considered social norms - they will follow sets of norms they have created themselves within their own subculture
          • e.g. EDL
      • Sanctions against deviance
        • Informal: frowning upon behaviour, name calling, ignoring, stereotyping, mocking them
        • Formal: detentions in school, some deviant behaviour is criminal so formal legal sanctions will be given
    • Comparison of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour
      • some acts are deviant but not criminal
        • some acts are criminal but not deviant
          • some acts are both ciminal and deviant
            • murder
            • ****
            • drugs
          • music piracy
          • flying a kite in a park
        • e.g. facial tattoos or piercings
        • nose picking
  • Norms: our behaviour and actions. Influenced by society's expectations - they keep in check deviant behaviour - can vary from culture to culture
    • e.g. in the UK it is traditional to wear black to funerals but in China they wear white
  • Moral Codes: morals or good ways of behaving. They can stem from religious frameworks or the belief in other systems - breaking a moral code would be considered serious in society
    • e.g. muder would be seen as serious in society
  • Values: are principles and beliefs about what is most important
    • e.g. respect for the ekderly
  • 3 forms of deviant behaviour (not always negative)
    • Admired Behaviour: deviant but admirable
      • e.g. the suffragettes
    • Odd Behaviour: being different from what is considered the norm
      • e.g. living with many cats
    • Bad Behaviour: deviant because it is wrong
      • e.g. assulting a pensioner
    • Deviance
      • Types of Deviance
        • Societal Deviance: an act which most of society would agree is not classed as part of normal behaviour
          • e.g. facial tattoos
        • Concealed Deviance: an act which no one sees, something which a person can keep hidden away - still considered not part of society's set of norms
          • e.g. hoarding
        • Situational Deviance: an act that is only considered deviant in the culture you live in at that time - may not be considered deviant in other societies
        • Collective Deviance: shared by a group of people that does not conform to what is considered social norms - they will follow sets of norms they have created themselves within their own subculture
          • e.g. EDL
      • Sanctions against deviance
        • Informal: frowning upon behaviour, name calling, ignoring, stereotyping, mocking them
        • Formal: detentions in school, some deviant behaviour is criminal so formal legal sanctions will be given




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