A- Level the Cold War

A small quiz on the start of the Cold War

  • Created by: Preeya
  • Created on: 10-04-12 13:30
when did the cold war start?
1 of 10
Why did tensions mount between the USA and the USSR
They both wanted to filled the power vaccum in Europe for different reasons
2 of 10
Why was Germany a lasting source of tension?
The USSR defeated Germany but everyone wanted they
3 of 10
What was discussed at potsdam
4 of 10
what was the Truman doctrine?
The US promise to help any country under attack by armed minorities
5 of 10
what was the Marshall plan about
A plan to provide financial$ support to war torn europe and to make the communists look worse off because they weren
6 of 10
what policy did stalin adopt?
Comintern/ Comecon
7 of 10
What happened in the Czechoslovakian crisis?
coup d
8 of 10
The Berlin Blockade was seen by the USA as ...
an act of aggression
9 of 10
when was the Tehran conference
10 of 10

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Card 2


Why did tensions mount between the USA and the USSR


They both wanted to filled the power vaccum in Europe for different reasons

Card 3


Why was Germany a lasting source of tension?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was discussed at potsdam


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was the Truman doctrine?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Mercy Petrovski


Worst quiz ever, makes no sense, loads of mistake, dont waste your time.

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