A2 History Germany (1945-1991) - Reunification topic QUIZ!!

This is a quiz if you hadn't guessed, asking questions specifically from the last section, "Reunification, 1989-1991" of the 'From Defeat to Unity: Germany, 1945 - 1991' topic. 

In some of the (wrong) answers i have made up few things, so don't panic if you have never heard of them, they may have nothing to do with history!


1. When did Mikhail Gorbachev become leader of the Soviet Union?

  • April 1985
  • November 1985
  • March 1985
  • November 1984
  • March 1984
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. Why was the church an important part in the growth of political activism in the GDR?

  • It acted as a channel for dissent
  • The leaders could not prevent the people attending
  • The church was against the GDR and its leadership
  • It didn't act as an important part

3. Alcoholism was a problem in the Soviet Union in 1985, contributing for the need for change. True or False?

  • True
  • False

4. What factor was NOT a reason for change in the USSR in 1985?

  • Poor quality of goods and shortages
  • corruption in the party
  • Mass exodus of people from the country
  • Nuclear arms race
  • The stagnation of the economy

5. The opposition group in Poland was called 'Solidarity, which was a former trade union. True or False?

  • True
  • False


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