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6. Who was the Romanian communist leader who was overthrown in December 1989?

  • Lech Walesa
  • Vaeler Havel
  • Willy Brandt
  • Nicolae Ceausescu
  • Rudi Dutschke

7. Following the events in Tiannamen Square, China, June 1989, what was Honecker's reaction?

  • He outwardly condemned the Chinese response
  • He was appalled by the scenes
  • He applauded the response
  • He was indifferent to the events

8. Which of these was NOT a East German opposition group set up in the late 1980s?

  • Neues Deutschland
  • Democracy Now
  • East German Social Democratic Party
  • Neues Forum
  • Democratic Awakening

9. Honecker's response to growing demonstrations and mass organisation was to produce a public announcement in the "Neues Deutschland" denouncing those emigrating from the GDR as 'counter-revolutionaires'. True or False?

  • True
  • False

10. Why did Gorbachev visit East Berlin on the 6-7th October 1989?

  • To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the GDR
  • For a holiday
  • To celebrate Honecker's birthday
  • To make a speech for the demonstrators

11. Why was the Leipzig Demonstrations, 9 October 1989, was an important step in bringing about change?

  • They gained the support of the USSR
  • They forced Honecker to take severe action, condemning his leadership
  • t caused and encouraged the spread of further demonstrations
  • It caused a wave of reforms to be introduced into the GDR

12. Which of these was NOT a reason for Honecker's resignation in October 1989?

  • Unpopularity form other members of the party
  • No Soviet support
  • The emigration from the GDR
  • The growing demonstrations
  • His own refusal to implement reform

13. The opening of the Berlin Wall on the 9th November was a misunderstanding, and was supposed to take place a day later. True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. When was the Stasi disbanded?

  • November 1989
  • November 1990
  • January 1990
  • January 1989

15. What was the result of the March 1990 elections in the GDR?

  • The CDU won
  • Democracy Now won
  • Alliance for Germany won
  • The SED remained in power

16. What was the name given to Kohl's plan for reunification, proposed in November 1989?

  • Ostpolitik
  • The Reunification Plan
  • The Ten-Point Plan
  • The Five-point plan
  • The Two plus Four agreement

17. When was the currency union taken place?

  • July 1990
  • August 1990
  • November 1990
  • June 1990
  • May 1990

18. What was the key issue the 'Two plus Four' Agreement, Feb 1990, wished to address?

  • To overcome the USSRs objections to united membership in NATO
  • To overcome the social separation between east and west Germans
  • To agree the capital of the united germany
  • To impose the reunification of Germany

19. Following which treaty did the international opposition end towards the reunification of Germany?

  • The Unification Treaty
  • The Two-Germany Treaty
  • The London Declaration
  • The 'Two plus Four' agreements

20. When was the first all-German election held?

  • December 1990
  • October 1990
  • January 1991
  • November 1990