Global governance - agencies

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 05-06-22 16:33
I------------ l--- are rules that established by countries through i------------ a---------. They are l------ binding. They cover h---- rights, labour standards and t---- regulations.
international laws
international agreements
1 of 10
n---- are accepted standards of b---------. There are usually negative c---------- for those who do not follow them. One important part of this is the f------ of s-----.
2 of 10
i----------- are p-------- and legal institutions. They exist to make and e------ laws, decide whether a law has been broken or act as a f---- for different groups to discuss issues and sort them out.
3 of 10
What is the importance of global governance?
It regulates global economic and political systems by setting up rules countries and companies should follow., monitoring whether they are followed and enforcing them if they aren't.
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How has the world bank promoted growth and sustainability?
1) The world bank works with governments to provide low-carbon options for energy access that fit every country's circumstances, including renewable sources. The world bank has provided $1 billion to India for its solar projects to give electricity to mil
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How has the world bank promoted injustice and inequality?
The world bank is run by a small number of countries which are all rich.
After being loaned to the poor country may have to increase taxes to pay back the loan. This can really impact the poorest people in society (usually women and children).
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How has the IMF promoted growth and sustainability?
The IMF responded rapidly to the Corona virus crisis providing financial aid on global scale. It offers loans to LICs that they don't have pay back.
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How has the IMF promoted injustice and inequality?
IMF policy makers have supported military dictators friendly to American and European corporations often at the expense of human and labour rights.
The response to a crisis is often delayed and does little to prevent the event from happening again in the
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How has the UN promoted growth and sustainability?
Unicef has reported that there has been a decrease in the number of grave violations against children.
peace keeping missions into Africa to help intervene in conflicts and protect the vulnerable.
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How has the UN promoted injustice and inequality?
AIDs pandemic still rife through many continents.
Number of nuclear powers has increased e.g. North Korea which means world peace is at risk.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


n---- are accepted standards of b---------. There are usually negative c---------- for those who do not follow them. One important part of this is the f------ of s-----.



Card 3


i----------- are p-------- and legal institutions. They exist to make and e------ laws, decide whether a law has been broken or act as a f---- for different groups to discuss issues and sort them out.


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Card 4


What is the importance of global governance?


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Card 5


How has the world bank promoted growth and sustainability?


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