2304 Bio: Discrimination & Categorisation

  • Created by: Paula379
  • Created on: 09-02-19 12:49
What is simple discrimination?
S+ and S- = in general differential responding; animals can discriminate between the 2 stimuli.
1 of 16
Define 'Successive discrimination.'
Present 1 of the stimuli & see how the animal responds.
2 of 16
Define 'Simultaneous discrimination.'
Present 2 stimuli & see which the animal approaches.
3 of 16
Define 'Conditional discrimination.'
Reinforce different responses in the presence of different stimuli.
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What is generalisation?
Some response occurs to stimuli that are physically similar to S+ but not identical to it.
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What is generalisation decrement?
Response to other stimuli is less than that to S+ itself.
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What is the generalisation gradient?
A graph generalised responding to values on a stimulus dimension.
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What is peak shift?
Responding may be greater to a stimulus other than S+- stimulus dimension.
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What is transposition?
If a discrimination between S+ & S- is trained & then S- is tested vs. S+, S- may be chosen.
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What is transfer along a continuum?
Training an easy discrimination on a dimension can help the animal acquire a difficult one.
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What did Wills & Mackintosh (1999) find?
Pigeons learn to discriminate between light & dark.
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What did Lawrence (1952) find?
Rats find it difficult to distinguish between similar shaded tiles.
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What are 2 categories of abstraction?
Perceptual & logical categories.
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What did Herrnstein & Loveland (1964) find?
Pigeons learn to peck in presence of picture of a person & withhold pecks in presence of a picture with no person in it.
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What is rote learning or absolute discrimination?
Claimed to be ruled out by successful transfer to new instances.
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What is multiple linear feature model?
Predicts a superreleaser (prototype) effect that doesn't always occur.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define 'Successive discrimination.'


Present 1 of the stimuli & see how the animal responds.

Card 3


Define 'Simultaneous discrimination.'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define 'Conditional discrimination.'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is generalisation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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