2304 Bio: Comparing Intelligence

  • Created by: Paula379
  • Created on: 19-02-19 19:39
What is anthropomorphism?
Assume animal cognition is like human cognition but not as good.
1 of 4
What is Macphail's null hypothesis?
There are no cognitive differences between non-human animals/vertebrates.
2 of 4
What did Colwill et al. (1988) find?
Aplysia could learn to provide differential responses to the same stimulus in different contexts.
3 of 4
What did Herman & Arbeit (1973) find?
Dolphins had difficulty forming learning sets with visual stimuli but could with auditory stimuli.
4 of 4

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Macphail's null hypothesis?


There are no cognitive differences between non-human animals/vertebrates.

Card 3


What did Colwill et al. (1988) find?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Herman & Arbeit (1973) find?


Preview of the front of card 4


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