
what are the 2 types of digestion
physical and chemical
1 of 11
what is the function of physical digestion
to break down polymers to monomers to increase the surface area, so that enzymes can digest food efficiently
2 of 11
what are the 3 types of physical digestion
mastication, churning and emulsification
3 of 11
where does mastication take places and what is it
in the mouth by chewing
4 of 11
where does churning take place
in the stomach
5 of 11
where does emulsification take place
bile in the small intestine
6 of 11
what is the function of chemical digestion
uses enzymes to chemically change food and break it down
7 of 11
what happens during ingestion
the oral cavity takes in food, the amylase in the saliva breaks down starch, the tongue rolls food into a bolus shape
8 of 11
what is peristalsis
when strong circular muscles push the food down the oesophagus
9 of 11
what happens in the stomach
food is churned to create chyme, remains in stomach for approx 4 hours
10 of 11
what happens when food passes the duodenum
bile from the gall bladder and enzymes from the pancreas is added
11 of 11

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Card 2


to break down polymers to monomers to increase the surface area, so that enzymes can digest food efficiently


what is the function of physical digestion

Card 3


mastication, churning and emulsification


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Card 4


in the mouth by chewing


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Card 5


in the stomach


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