Why did the Labour Party grow?

  • Created by: GrB
  • Created on: 24-04-17 21:43

Why did the Labour Party grow?

The attitude of the unions had changed by 1900 for a number of reasons:

.The 1890s had seen a growth of Employer's Federations which had sympathetic MPs and strong  financial resources

.Employers had introduced new machinery reducing the need for skilled labour

.Employers also supported non union labour eg. backing the National Free Labour Association which  provided workers during strikes

.Courts were sympathetic to employers, Lyons v Wilkins in 1898 reduced the scope of what unions  could do when picketing

.Hardie was elected for Merthyr Tydfil and only spent £300 on his campaign, the TUC had £3 million  in funds and considered investing


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