What sites offer the best possibilities for archaeologists to discover new sites and/or lost landscapes?


What methods offer the best possibilities for archaeologists to discover new sites and /or lost landscapes?

Within the field of practical archaeology there has sometimes been an issue with being able to locate new sites so archaeologist have settled for completing research studies on sites that are better known and funding can be secured. Examples of these sites are Boxgrove or Bristol Universities research at Berkeley Castle. However, with the onset of new technological advancements it has been possible for archaeologists to use other methods that are considered to be non-invasive to start discovering new sites. In this essay I intend to look at the strengths and weaknesses of different methodology including standard excavation techniques through to new methods such as the English Heritage LIDAR programme. There will also be consideration of using underwater archaeology and the issues that arise for looking at landscapes and sites.

Sites to use

  •  Charterhouse and the use of LIDAR
  •  Bouldner Cliff or Doggerland-Mesolithic –core sampling, sonar surveying  and other excavation techniques
  •  Shapwick-Fieldwalking/ surveying
  •  Boxgrove-Fieldwalking/ surveying
  • Any Time Team where geophysical surveying or other types of surveying was used-The Fen’s or even Roman Cirencester episode.
  • Extension site: Geophysics revealing Interamna Lirenas, ancient Roman town

Understanding of Landscape Archaeology

Landscape archaeology: commonly used to characterise the areas of archaeological research and interpretation that consider the landscape rather than the site, interrelationships of the site and the physical spaces separating them.

Methods most commonly used:

  • Maps
  • Documentary research
  • Fieldwalking
  • Surveying
  • Aerial photography

Methods that are used but are not so common:

  • Satellite remote sensing (another form


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