What do sources A and B suggest about unemployment



  • Source B shows a steady decline in unemployment 
  • Source A discusses the hidden unemployment with women and Jews,  that aren't included in the official statistics 
  • Women and men under the age of 25, were sacked from their job. The Nazi put in place a range of policies that created jobs; changes to the role of women. This resulted in a massive decrease in unemployment statistic.The Nazi policies appear to be successful. Reduction from 6 million to 100,000 but these statistics were not accurate. Jews and German women were not counted. Unemployment was higher than officially stated.


  • This source gives clear descriptions on the serious impacts the nazi's had on the life of the jews, with laws such as the Nuremberg laws. They were passed to limit the rights of the Jews in Germany. These laws deprived Jews and other non-Aryans of a German citizenship and prohibited racially mixed sexual relationships and marriages between Germans and Jews. Kristallnacht was a pogrom that led to imprisonment and death. Jewish homes, hospitals, and schools were ransacked and synagogues were burned to the ground.


  • Both sources are very useful in identifying specific aspects of how the young were influenced in Nazi Germany. Source D is focussed on the curriculum taught at German schools during the 1930's. This is from a German paper is 1939, and as such


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