Types of marketing

  • Created by: katielane
  • Created on: 29-11-16 11:45

niche marketing: A niche market is a very small market segment. They are markets which cover a very small part of the total market when the needs aren't being met by other companies. They're also usually aimed at people who have higher dispoable income. In niche marketing, they concentrate on a small market which means the costs can be kept low. These types of marketing are often ignored by larger firms because they don't see them as a threat. They are also not interested in lower sales. An example of a niche market could be a sports channel on the telly. This is because one or two channels, cover just one small group of people who watch the telly over the world.

Mass marketing: Mass marketing is the total opposite of niche marketing. In mass marketing, the firm will try to cover as much of the…


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