Triune God

  • Created by: tate4k
  • Created on: 14-05-23 21:09

The use of music in worship

  • unites people in praise
  • increases beauty in worship
  • helps people feel more involved

Types of music used in liturgy

  • psalms- poems from the old testamentthey form the basis of many hymns in the catholic church. They center around praising God and cover a wide rangeof human experiences and emotions
  • plainchant-ancient form of music usually sung unaccompanied to a limited range of notes.Is is consodered to be the ideal music to mass as it is 'specially suited to catholic liturgy'
  • Mass settings-The parts of the mass that are sung rather than said. Simpler mass helps people feel more involved in worship and it helps to make the mass appeal to the whole congregation.


  • Gloria-a hymn to praise god's gloryand goodness. begins with 'glory to god in the highest heaven'. used near the beggining of mass and not used during more soprrowful seasons
  • Sanctus-Latin word meaning holy. A hymn to praise God's holiness. Based on Isaiah's vision in the temple where the angels cry out 'holy,holy,holy is the lord of hosts. used before the eucharistic prayerin mass not used


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