Topic 9: Judaism: beliefs and teachings


The Nature of God: God as one

Jes are Monotheists so they only believe in one God

Quote- Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God and the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and might          SHEMA

God is a whole single invisable being who is the onlt person to be worshipped, he is the source of Jewish morality and everything is created and sustained by him

The nature of God: God as creation

Jews believe that God created the universe out of nothing and he sustains the world so all species can live.

Also they belive god created free will so Jews can choose to be good and neglect evil, so there must be evil in the world otherwise free will cant exist.

The nature of God: God as lawgiver and judge; the divine presence

God judges Jews on how well they follow Mitzvot, his judgement is fair and tempered with love and mercy.

There are 10 Commandments which form the 613 Mitzvot, these are rules that Jews are expected to follow all the time

They are Judges at Rosh Hashanah and after death.

Shekinah is another name for the divine presence, it means God manifested glory, it dwells in tabernacles and was seen as a pillar of fire and cloud when the Jews travelled to Caanan in the old testament

Life after Death, Judgement and ressurection

There is not much teching on life after death as they dont believe…




Thank you, this has everything I need in a condensed form!