Topic 8 | Globalisation & Culture

  • Created by: amxnee_2
  • Created on: 23-03-19 17:34

Globalisation: Globalisation is the process by which people of the world are unified into a single society and function together.

Mass media:

>   Has become an important leisure activity for people in developed countries. Communicates ideas, images and identities. 

>   In different countries people are likely to watch similar things on TV. 


>   DIstinctions between high/low/mass culture have become more irrelevant as cultural forms mix to create new cultural forms.

>  'Authenticity' is now meaningless 


>   Postmodernists view globalisation as an important factor in trends towards consumption.

>   Clothes, music fashion produced, people in different countries share symbols they used to create identities.

>   Global culture identity is based on consumption…


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