The causes of the English Civil War, History 1603-


James I

·         The wisest fool in Christendom?

·         Fear of assassination

·         Personal (sexual) preferences

·         Extravagance

·         Political skills

·         Intelligence

The situation on James’ accession to the throne in 1603

·         Spanish War

·         Finances

·         Government ministers

·         Religion

·         Privileges

·         Opposition in court

James First P 1604-10

·         Goodwin v Fortesque (P judge disputed elections)

·         Shirley’s case (freedom from arrest for MPs)

·         The proposed union of Eng & Scots (1603-7 when blocked for legal reasons)

·         Purveyance (discount price for royal goods)

·         Wardship

·         Impositions : Bates’ case 1606

·         The Apology of the HOC (K understands right of P “right and due inheritance”)

·         James’ expenditure

Years without P 1610-21

·         ‘Addled P’ 1614 (undertakers)

James dies – 1625

Charles I Crowned

Personality & Character

·         Divine right

·         Criticism

·         Communication skills (poor)

·         Buckingham

·         Henrietta Maria

·         Arminian



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