The Harrying of the North


The Harrying of the North.


Reasons for the Harrying of the North.

  • William swore revenge for the death of Earl Robert.
  • He wanted to make it impossible for anyone to stay in an area after a rebellion. The tactics used by the rebels included scattering as William advanced and then launched attacks on his men after he left.
  • Many in the North resented Norman rule and identified with their Danish heritage.
  • Rebellions elsewhere were being triggered by the Northern rebellions. William could not keep dragging his men all over England.
  • William took the threat of Danish invasion very seriously despite rebellions in Normandy.

some people have likend the events to genocide: A deliberate and organised attempt to exterminate an entire group of people.

  • Faced with local rebellions in northern England that were encouraged by the Scots and the Danes, William set about systematically destroying large parts of the North.
  • he commanded that all crops, herds and food be brought together and burned to ashes


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