Harrying of the North

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  • Harrying of the North
    • The Scottish challenge
      • Malcom had become King of Scotland in 1058 and was eager to extend his power
      • Events of 1072
        • Following the failure of Edgar's invasion (1070) William to disband his forces.
          • This encouraged Malcolm to invade
            • He devastated Durham and Cleveland, consolidating his hold over Cumbria and ravaging Teesdale
            • The invasion and Malcolm's marriage provoked William to intervene in Scotland.
            • During the summer of 1072 William marched to Perth in the heart of Malcom's Kingdom.
      • Events of 1079
        • Malcolm was successful in Monray and seized the opportunity of William back in Normandy to raid Northumbria
        • William sent his son Robert north to deal with it and Malcolm renewed his submission
          • Robert began building a great new and formidable castle on the Tyne.
    • The Scandinavian threat
      • 1085 Viking and Scandinavian forces threatened his rule
        • Swein's son Cnut who had been King of Danes in 1081 reasserted the family claim to the throne
        • William summoned French mercenaries to the coast
        • William summoned a war council
        • Cnut had assembled a fleet however was murdered in 1086 which prevented it from sailing.
      • They were still able to raise large fleets and in 1069 were able to land in the humber


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