

Dehumanization refers to a psychological process in which opponents actually outlook each other as being less than human hence not worthy of moral consideration. Ideally, dehumanization may refer to the process of depriving of human qualities like civility, compassion or individuality. Dehumanization may be practiced by social institutions (for instance, family, school or state), within oneself or interpersonally. Dehumanization can actually be unintentional, particularly, on the individual’s part, as with certain forms of de facto prejudice. State-organized form of dehumanization has traditionally been directed against apparent national, political, ethnic, religious, or racial minority groups. Other marginalized and minority groups as well as individuals more based on gender, sexuality, class or ability are also vulnerable to several types of dehumanization.

The functionalist theory assumes that the society is, in fact, an organized system where people adhere to the same rudimentary values. On the other hand, the conflict theory is


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