Science and Religion

  • Created by: MattyLew
  • Created on: 04-06-18 11:46

Big Bang Theory:

  • most widely accepted scientific theory on how the universe came to it's present state
  • Due to great scientific advancement and discovery int eh 20th century 
  • 13.8 billion years ago is when the universe began
  • states that the universe began from a singularity (a high temperature and high density state), and has been expanding ever since
  • based on the agreed observation that the universe is constantly expanding - 1927, George Lemaitre noted an expanding universe could be traced back in time to an originating single point, scientists have built on his idea of cosmic expansion. 
  • Hubble then built on this in 1929, who concluded galaxies were drifting apart
  • Russell: the universe is a "brute fact" simply exists and that is it
  • Dawkins: evolutionary biologist, supporter of evolution and we are simply "slaves to our genes" - supports the big bang theory, there is no God 


  • what was the cause of the Big Bang? - muti-verse theory (there is a group of parallel universes including our universe - chance - God??
  • Alistair Mcgrath is a priest, theoligan and scientist (and former atheist). Supports evolution.  "It's not that science is wrong...It's that science is incomplete!" - science does answer the question as to why we are here, what was the cause of the Big Bang? 
  • Science can only provie us with theories about the origins of the universe 
  • scientists present didfferent views and their views may change, making it difficult to suggests science is ever definitively correct about the origins of the universe - scientists are fallible
  • Would mean humans have no purpose, and no soul (since this is God given) so whats the point? - Dawkins, evolution is a marvel enough 
  • Kant: we are missing a 


  • Darwin: 'origin of species' 1859
  • species of lviing things have changed over time and adapted to ensure the 'survival of the fittest'
  • supported by evidence of fossisla dn the rapid changes that can be seen to occur in micro-organisms (antibiotics, resitant bacteria)

Creation Story 

  • "In the beggining god created the heavens and the Earth" - opening chapter of the Bible
  • 6 days of creation, God rested on the 7th (Adam and eve were created on the sixth)
  • God is the creator and cause of the origins of the universe 
  • The Earth, according the story of Genesis, is around 6,000 years old 
  • Humans are


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