Rule Utilitarianism

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 23-05-18 14:15

Mill thought that previous experiences did help us make decisions

  • Humans have already developed some rules that help us make decisions more quickly
  • These rules are universal in nature and, if applied to any situation, they would lead to the greatest happiness for the greatest number (they would maximise happiness)
  • In Rule Utilitarianism, moral actions are those which conform to the rules that lead to the greatest good, for example, we do not need to use the Hedonic Calculus to work out that giving money to the poor is good, because it is a well-worked rule of Utilitarianism

Strong Rule Utilitarianism

  • An action is only right if it follows the rules
  • The rules should never be disobeyed
  • The…


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