research in psychology


Hypothesis - A statement predicting the outcome of the research.

Alternate hypothesis - A statement which predicts a difference or correlation in the results.

Null hypothesis - A statement which predicts no difference or correlation in results.

Variable - Anything that is open to change.

Independent variable - Something the researcher changes or manipulates.

Dependent variable - Something that is measured to see if it has changed (after an independent variable has been manipulated).

Extraneous variable - A variable (which is not the independent variable) but could affect the dependent variable if not controlled.

Standardisation - A way of controlling extaneous variables; to keep variables the same across canditions.

Experimental design - A way of allocating participants to conditions in an experiment.

Repeated measures design - An experimental design in which participants take part in each cindition.

Independent groups design - an experimental design in which participants are different in each condition.

Sample - A smaller group selected from a larger population.

Target population - The entire a set of people researchers want to generalise their results to.

Representative - An accurate reflection of a larger group.

Random sample - A sample for which everyone in the target population has an equal chance of being chosen.

Opportunity sample - A sample drawn from the target population because they are available and convenient.

Ethical considerations - Issues of research that take into account the welfare of participants.

Informed consent - When participants are allowed to stop participating in a study or can stop the study altogether.

Right to withdraw - When participants are allowed to stop participating are allowed to stop participating in a study or can stop the study altogether.

Confidentiality - Protecting the identity of participants by not revealing names and other details.

Experiment - A method…


zahra abbas


thank you helped loads!!!