Representation of women in the media


- Women are under-represented in positions of power, behind the scenes in media. 
- The IWMF found that in UK news room, women were often marginalised.
- 60% of senior proffesional roles are filled by men 
- 74% of news journalists in 2011 were men 
- 78% of front page articles in the UK papers across 4 weeks were written by men. 

How women are generally represented - Successful (Dragon's Den), resilliant (women putting men in their place), Fragile (Disney princesses, portrayed as weak and in need of a 'hero'

Women are usually represented in one or more ways from this list
- The male gaze (oversexualised/objectified) 
- Stereotypically (wife, homemaker) 
- A product of patriarchal ideology (being what the patriarchy (men) wants you to be) 

The male gaze
Laura Mulvey made the term the Male gaze. 
Over the past 50 years women have been sexualised by what they wear and how they look. In TV and films many women are used purely for the Male Gaze. They do not spur the story on but they're there for the men to 'gaze' at and…


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