Religious Studies Key concepts

  • Created by: kira
  • Created on: 03-05-11 18:26

Conflict-Confrontation between people, for example because of relationship or war.

Interfaith dialgue-Different faith groups talking to eachother. There are many examples of interfaith networks locally and nationally;these help to smooth out misunderstandings.

Just war-A war justified according to agreed conditions, for example if there is a just cause, or wen it is the last resort.

Non-violent protest-Making a stand using entirely peaceful means, for example marches.

Pacifism-The belief that any form of violence or war is unacceptable. Pacifists includethe Dalai Lama, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Reconciliation-Making up after a quarrel or dispute, and working together again. Religions teach about forgiveness as it leads to progress and solution.

Conscience-An 'inner voice' that keeps a person on the right track. Some religions see this as a God-given instinct or characteristic to help people make the right choices.

Free will-The belief that humans have free choices in life. Many religions teach that people can choose to do right and follow god and religious commands.

Hippocratic Oath-A promise that doctors take to preserve life at all costs. This means treating patients to the best of one's ability and never to intend to harm or breach patient confidentiality.

Medical ethics-The process of deciding what is good and acceptable in medicine, such…


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