Reincarnation in Hinduism- counteract notes for resurrection essay


-Reincarnation is the transmigration of the soul from body to body. It involves the idea that our soul is eternal and has lived many lives before ours.

-"As a person cast off worn out garments and puts on others that are new, even so the embodied soul cast off worn out bodies and puts on others that are new"- Bhagavad Gita 1,2,3

-How a person lives when they're embodied affects the next incarnation. Someone who lives a bad life may be reborn to poverty and suffering, or maybe even an animal. Whereas someone who lives a good life will be born into a good quality of life, wealthy or successful. This Karma demonstrates cause and effect because of the impact of someone's other life.

-Brahman is consciousness or thought

-This universe is temporal and unreal. The Hindu word is Maya. However, all living things have soul or'atman' which is united to the physical matter surrounding them. The aim of consciousness is for the atman to be liberated from the repeated cycle of life and death and rebirth and to be reunited with Brahman.

-The separateness of individual conscience or souls is an illusion. Jars represent our bodies and the consciousness is the space in the jar. So once the body is destroyed the space can unite into one. Hence for many Hindus, individuality is an illusion and life adter death isn't the personal survival taught by monotheistic


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