psych - cbt therapy evalution

  • Created by: leonalj
  • Created on: 09-05-24 13:52


STRENGTH-JARRETT ET AL - followed 108 paitents over a 10 week trial and found CBT as effective as some anti depressants- cbt can be used to treat psychologcal illness

STRENGTH- HOLLON ET AL - followed 107 paitents over a 10 week trial and found no diff between cbt and a dlightly different type of anti depressant- cbt is as effective as drug terapy for depression- can give long term coping techniques dont have side effects

WEAKNESS-therapist competence- therapist needs to set assignments, enage, foster good therputic relations, plan etc KUKYEN AND TSIVRIKOS- upto15% of variance of outcomes of CBT effectivenss is down to therapist competene


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