Meta Ethics - This one Mollie

  • Created by: Birdy234
  • Created on: 08-05-18 10:52

Meta Ethics: A study of the use of ethical language and the ways in which different scholars have understood how terms such as 'good' and 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' are used when moral statements are made. 

Normative Ethics: Tries to show how you should behave towards moral decisions (Natural Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Moral Relativism, Situation Ethics, Kantian Ethics). 

Naturalism: "Good" is something we can define, it has a real existence. To say something is "Good" is to say that it fulfils it's purpose. We can use empirical evidence to propose that something is naturally "Good". 

Non-Naturalism: "Good" is not something that can be defined, it is something that we ascribe to an object. "Good" is not a qulity found in things  and people, but simply a description. 

Intuitionism (G.E Moore): Wrote widely influential book called "Principa Ethica" (1903). Moore claimed that moral judgements are based on "and infallible intuitive knowledge of good things".

He argues that moral statements cannot be verified simply by looking at the evidence available to the five senses; this mistake is known as the "Naturalistic Fallacy". 

Moore wrote "an ought annot be derived from an is" which means


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