Life in Nazi Germany 1933-45


Edelweiss Pirates 

They were formed in the Rhineland in 1938 and all members wore and edelweiss flower or a white pin. They would rebel against Hitler's youth and taunted the members.

Why did they oppose?

The Edelweiss Pirates opposed Hitler because the Hitler Youth movement had taken over the lives of youths in Hitler’s Germany.

How did they oppose?

They went on excursions, organised camps and sang songs. Some listened to foreign radio and spread the news. Produced flyers and painted anti-Nazi slogans on walls.

Did they make an impact?

They didn't make much of an impact because the Edelweiss pirates over 700 of them were arrested in 1942. In 1944 the Pirates in Cologne killed the Gestapo chief so the Nazis publically hanged 12 of them.

The Swing Group

A youth movement that started in Hamburg in 1939 and spread to Berlin and other German cities. They came together to listen to Jazz music (banned by the Nazis) and talk openly. They wanted to express themselves freely.

Why did they oppose?

They resisted Nazi control e.g Hitler closing down nightclubs and making teenagers join Hitler youth groups.

How did they oppose?

They challenged the Nazi image of youth by growing their hair and wearing fashionable clothes. They also listened to swing music, which was banned by


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