
Diet and Metabolic Rate

A balanced diet does a lot to keep you healthy.

1) Its good for your health, your diet must provide the energy you need (but not more).

2) But thats not all! Because different food groups have different uses in the body, you need to have the right balance of foods as well.

You need:

- Enough carbohydrates to release energy.

- Enough fats to keep warm and release energy.

- Enough protein for growth, cell repair, and cell replacement.

- Enough fibre to keep everything moving smoothly through your didgestive system.

- And tiny amounts of various vitamins and mineral ions to keep your skin, bones, blood, and everything else generally healthy.

Peoples energy needs vary because of who they are...

1) You need energy to fuel the chemical reactions inside your body that keep you alive. These reactions are called your metabolism, and the speed at which they…


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