‘Kant’s understanding of morality leads convincingly to God.’ Discuss. (10 marks)


a)      Kant’s understanding of morality leads convincingly to God.’ Discuss. (10 marks)

Kant’s moral argument has many strengths and limitations in an attempt to put forward a reasonable argument in determining the existence of God.

 Firstly is without a doubt that the argument will strengthen any believer's belief in God already. Kant’s moral argument based upon objective laws might appeal to those who already accept unconditional, a priori laws; these are laws that are made without the need of evidence or examination. The first criticism is based around how many philosophers disagree about the properties of the Summum Bonum. There is no evidence of the Summum Bonum, Just because it might be considered logic, does not make it real. There is nothing to say that the Summum Bonum must be the highest…


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