Jurassic Coast - Studland and Swanage Fieldwork Methods

  • Created by: Caits24
  • Created on: 05-04-17 14:42

Fieldwork Methods:

  • Vegetation Survey - We placed the quadrat down using a stratified system, placing the quadrat at each change of gradient. Using a key we estimated the percentage covered of different species present. If we found vegetation that wasn't on the key, we took a photo of it so that we could identify it later. We did a vegetation survey so that we could see the impact of human activity at the dunes. It also helped us to see the biodiversity of the dunes. Using a stratified system gives us a full representation of the dunes meaning it is not biased. It also means that we don't miss any environments. We used a quadrat because it gave us a measurable sample area
  • Profiles - We place 1 ranging pole where the waves met the beach/base of the dunes and the other ranging pole at the next change of gradient. We had to make sure that the ranging poles were pushed into the ground by the same amount each time. Then using a clinometer we measured the angle of the slope by pointing the clinomete at the opposite ranging pole from the same section (red section to red section) to get accuate results. We then used a tape measure to measure the distance between the two ranging poles. We laid the tape measure on the floor so we could…


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