Indonesia changing spaces case study ocr


Indonesia case study 

Key idea 

Social inequality impacts people and places in different ways 

Key facts 

population number

  • 273.5 million

population growth rate

  • 1.1 %, bigger than world average

birth rate

  • 17.372

10 million people live in the capital making it a city of extremes 

Just over a quarter of jakertas residents live in slums. 

Social and economic conditions 

  • Reason why people live in slums like jembatan besi is that demand for affordable housing greatly exceeds the supply

  • Neither the government not the private sector has the supply for the increasing numbers of people wanting to live in jereka 

  • The average income of someone in jerka is us$4/day but for many this is a regular income 

  • Employment is often insecure in most regions with residents who can only supply unskilled casual labour so they often create their own business this ranges from selling food or second hand goods usually found in tips 

  • In the city they have significant garment industries and although many are small scale they have little protection for being exploited 

  • Health is a major concern in jerka as sanitation is barely used and many slums


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