HVIII in England and Europe (Domestic policies (Administrative efficiency)


HVIII in England and Europe

Domestic policies

Tudor period, aims of the domestic policy were rarely spelled out clearly. It was expected that a monarch was expected to keep law and order to; administer the country efficiently, and to raise taxes when neccessay. 
All Tudor monarchs feared internal rebellion, since they had n standing army or police to rere-establish royal authority- any serious failure of domestic policy that caused rebellion would bring criticism

Administrative efficiency

There was no major reform of government administration under Wolsey who, acting as HVIII's 'business manager', perferred to keep and further develop the administration established by HVII.
HVIII kept most of his father's experienced officials to ensure continuity in Gov- Sir John Heron had been appointed Treasurer of the Chamber by HVII snf kept that post until 1524

1526, the king demanded reform of the royal household after he concluded that he had been denied access to sufficient counsellors through Wolsey's executive control over appiontments to the Counsel.
W with characteristic political skill, turned this challenge to his own political advantage in the Eltham Ordinances for the Regulation of the Court
The EO effectively boosted his control over both the counsel and the PC, but id not improve administrative efficiency

Local government and Justices of the Peace

Although national politics were decided at court, and Counsel, relationships between the court and the country were key to national political stability.
Central government


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